Mark scheme for product and evaluation
Mark scheme for production
4 (37-48 marks) The candidate demonstrates some creativity and
technical proficiency in the use of the chosen technologies (AO3).The candidate
also demonstrates good understanding of the necessities and details of the
production process (AO3).Codes and conventions have been used appropriately
throughout (AO3).
Mark scheme for evaluation
4 (16-20 marks)The
evaluation and pre-production materials contain extended evidence and
application of research and give a clear description of the target audience(s)
and how the candidate intended to target them (AO4). There
is effective analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the productions which
demonstrates sound understanding of the media concepts and contexts relevant to
the work undertaken with clear reference to the third media platform (AO2).The
candidate uses the language of Media Studies with confidence. The work
demonstrates a high level of accuracy in spelling and syntax and is expressed
in a fluent and cogent manner (AO2). At the
top of this level work will demonstrate confident understanding of the Key
Concepts through an engaged analysis of the signification process.