Tuesday 13 December 2016

Conventions of Pop music videos.

I have chosen to analyse this video as it is the song that me and my group will be creating a music video to.

As soon as the video starts to play there is a side angle shot of the artist (James Arthur) in a dark room. This is a reflection of the artists mood to the audience , it implies that he is feeling down as he is in the dark. This is a typical convention of music videos as they usually create visuals that reflect on the artists emotions. Another convention of music videos is that the visual aspects of the video are linked to the lyrics of the video.

This particular music video includes camera shots which also displays the artists feelings as it could imply that his head is spinning inside. It reflects the emotions of the artist onto the audience, Another convention of music videos.

The lighting of this music video is another convention of music videos as it is very low-key, reflecting on the artists mood.

The main feature of music videos are the vocals. This is another convention. The music is the main sound of music videos. The sound is diegetic.

Often music videos are quite repetitive just like this one. This is so that the lyrics of the song are embedded into the listeners mind and makes the song more memorable for the audience.

The props in music videos also reflect on how the artist is feeling. In this case the stereotypical gothic look is a prop in this video as James Arthur is seen wearing black clothes with black studs and tattoos across his arms.

James Arthur's emotions are shown visually as he is alone and the lyrics 'I defined, I designed, my recovery.' suggest that he is the only person who 'designed his recovery'.

Treat you better analysis -Shawn Mendes

This music video is a Pop music video, it is the same genre as the music that me and my group will be using for our music video.
At the beginning of the music video the mise en scene shows the environment where the two people are , it shows the setting. The type of camera shot used here is a close-up of a car but a mid-shot of the background. This is to show the car in detail but to also show the surroundings.
The sound used for this shot is non-diegetic sound, it is background music. There are no vocals heard at this point.
The lighting in this shot is low-key , this is to show the audience the atmosphere within the setting. It sets the mood for the whole duration of the music video.
The props used in this video are casual clothes , showing that nothing important is taking place. Another prop used in this music video is the silver chain around the neck of one of the male characters. The connotations of a silver are: wealth, sleek, high-tech and modern. This could show that the character wearing the chain is wealthy. However it could also indicate that the person is being represented as a gangster and wants to appear 'cool' in some sort of way. This can be proved when the character stands on the a car and starts shouting in the video. There are various mid-shots as well as close-ups used in this music video, a convention of music videos. This type of shot is used to show detail and create an effective music video.
A high angle is used to show the water flowing out of the bathroom, this shot is typically seen in music videos to show the movement of people or objects and in this case the water.
Another convention of some music videos is that they are based on a narrative. This creates a effective music video as it provides the audience with a constant theme in the video.
The main convention of this video is the diegetic sound such as the Artist Shawn Mendes singing as the narrative goes on.

Scars to you're beautiful-Alessia Cara: Analysis

I have chosen to analyse this video because it is also from the Pop genre. At the start of the video there is the artist (Alessia Cara) walking towards the camera, there is also an element of direct address used. This is to engage the target audience into the  music video.

The camera shot used at this point is a close-up/shoulder shot of the artists face. This is used to show the detail of expression in the artist. The shoulder shot could also be used to create an effect of the artists talking directly towards the audience after all she is walking towards the camera using direct address.

Another convention of Pop music videos and a lot of other music videos too is that they use a lot of direct address when the character is on seen singing the song. 

One feature of this video that is not a typical convention of music videos in general is that there are random people in the video who are talking about their feelings to the audience, they are not singing. This has a good impact on the audience as the video appears more realistic. I think this could be a good idea to use in our own music video as our groups video is about the artists feelings too. 

The other convention used in this music video is the use of props and costume. The clothing is representing the feelings of the artist. She is seen wearing the colour black. The colour black has connotations of fear as well as power and in my opinion the artist is trying to convey that she was feeling fearful before but now she feels powerful as she is able to overcome this feeling of not being good enough as she wants to be.

Overall I believe this is an effective music video because it does engage the audiences attention. The way in which it does this is by having people to to the audience rather than to sing all the way through the music video.


  1. To be honest - there is little point analysing his video if this is the track you are going to use - you are better off analysing music videos that have a similar style and content to the one you wish to produce (at least 3 promos to be analysed). Remember - you have to create a video that looks nothing like the band's current video and you will be expected to rename and re market the brand differently - otherwise there is no point to this coursework.Re-read brief as well and embed in blog with key points highlighted.

  2. I will analyse two more music videos whilst making sure they are from the same genre as the one I will be creating with my group.

  3. I am continually amazed by the amount of information available on this subject. What you presented was well researched and well worded in order to get your stand on this across to all your readers.
