Friday 9 December 2016


Recovery (James Arthur) Lyrics and analysis  

For our music video we will be using these  lyrics from James Arthur's 'Recovery' music video. 

I don't want to play this game no more - 
I don't want to play it
I don'y want to stay 'round here no more
I don't wanna stay here
Like rain on a Monday morning
Like pain that just keeps on going on

This first verse implies that he does not want to feel like the way he is feeling and that he does not want to live or  be bullied 'no more'. The third verse implies that he does not want to be in the town he is in or in the state of mind that he is in.  The line 'Like rain on a Monday morning' reminds me of a phrase 'I don't like Mondays'. For this reason i think this line is about his pain that he is facing which is like the whether on a bad Monday morning. 

Look at all the hate they keep on showing
I don't wan to see that
Look at all the stones they keep on throwing
I don't want to feel that
Like sun that will keep on burning
I used to be so discerning, oh

The first verse is clear to what it means as it tells the audience that people are hating on him, at least he thinks so anyway. The next line suggests he does not want to be hated on and he doesn't want to feel the way he is feeling. 

In my recovery
I'm a soldier at war
I have broken down walls
I defined
I designed
My recovery

This chorus indicates to me that he is fighting with himself and maybe his own thoughts in his mind. It could also mean that he has overcome many thoughts. This could be seen where it says ' I have broken down walls'. The lines 'I designed my recovery' suggests that he has overcome this feeling all by himself and that he has recovered. 

In the sound of the sea
In the oceans of me
I defined
I designed
My recovery

This paragraph tells the audience about how he is feeling inside and that perhaps he is feeling like he is almost drowning inside especially with his thoughts and feelings. The rest of the paragraph is repetition of the rest of the song as it is the chorus, implying that everything on his mind keeps repeating itself over and over again

Keep soaring
Keep song-writing
Keep soaring
Keep song-writing
My recovery, My recovery

With this verse I think what the artist is trying to convey is that he will not stop trying in his 'recovery' as it repeatedly mentions the word 'keep' all throughout the paragraph.

In my recovery
I'm a soldier at war
I have broken down walls
I defined
I designed
My recovery
This paragraph has been repeated to show the thought process in his mind. It implies to me that his thoughts are repetitive. 

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